I am an Assistant Researcher at INESC TEC (DSR HASLab group) and an Invited Assistant Professor at University of Minho. My current focus is on storage and operating systems, with an emphasis on designing new building blocks fitted for the performance, reliability, and energy consumption requirements of modern large-scale I/O infrastructures, namely cloud and HPC datacenters.

Recent News (all)

Jul 2024 Our paper “When Amnesia Strikes: Understanding and Reproducing Data Loss Bugs with Fault Injection” was accepted at VLDB 2024!
Oct 2023 Our paper “Toward a practical and timely diagnosis of applications’ I/O behavior” was accepted at the IEEE Access journal.
Feb 2023 Our paper “Taming Metadata-intensive HPC Jobs Through Dynamic, Application-agnostic QoS Control” was accepted at IEEE/ACM CCGrid 2023.
Jan 2023 I successfully defended my PhD!


Ph.D — MAP-i Doctoral Program in Computer Science
Thesis: “User-level Software-Defined Storage Data Planes.”
Supervised by Prof. João Paulo and Prof. José Pereira.
Universities of Minho, Aveiro, and Porto.
2017 — 2023

MSc — Integrated Master in Computer Science
Thesis: “Secure Computation in NoSQL Databases.”
Supervised by Prof. João Paulo and Prof. Rui Oliveira.
University of Minho.
2011 — 2017


Assistant Researcher, HASLab INESC TEC.
Research in storage and operating systems for modern, large-scale I/O infrastructures.
2023 — present

Researcher (PhD student), HASLab INESC TEC.
Research in distributed storage systems, namely Software-Defined Storage, local and distributed storage systems, and user-space technologies.
2018 — 2023

Research Intern, AIST.
Supervisor: Jason Haga
Research and development a Software-Defined Storage data plane for ensuring dynamic per-application bandwidth guarantees under shared storage in the ABCI supercomputer (in collaboration with Jason Haga and Yusuke Tanimura).
2020.08 — 2020.09

Researcher (MSc student), HASLab INESC TEC.
Research in secure computation in NoSQL and SQL databases to provide flexible performance and security over cloud-based databases systems.
2016 — 2017

Selected Publications (all)

Ricardo Macedo, Mariana Miranda, Yusuke Tanimura, Jason Haga, Amit Ruhela, Stephen Lien Harrell, Richard Todd Evans, José Pereira, João Paulo.
Taming Metadata-intensive HPC Jobs Through Dynamic, Application-agnostic QoS Control.
23rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (IEEE/ACM CCGrid 23), 2023.

Ricardo Macedo, Yusuke Tanimura, Jason Haga, Vijay Chidambaram, José Pereira, João Paulo. PAIO: General, Portable I/O Optimizations With Minor Application Modifications.
20th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (USENIX FAST 22), 2022.

Ricardo Macedo, João Paulo, José Pereira, Alysson Bessani. A Survey and Classification of Software-Defined Storage Systems.
ACM Computing Surveys, 2020.